Virtual Summit speakers offer strategies for successful sales, roadmap to profitability

As companies restart their operations, sales will be key to increasing revenues. But strategies that have worked in the past may not be as effective in a world turned upside down by COVID-19. 

“I believe there’s been more dramatic changes in the past few months than there has been in any time over the past 50 years,” says Sales Coach Jim Pancero. “We’re seeing a major culture shift right now in selling that is being completely redefined across all industries.”

During the second day of UMA Virtual Summit: Ready. Aim, RESTART!, Pancero shared his four strategies for selling during challenging times. 

On Thursday, attendees at the UMA Virtual Summit also worked on ways to return to profitability with industry business consultant Jim McCann. Rounding out the session were James Blain and Bruce Heinrich of PAX Training, who focused on how to get the right team members delivering an experience, not just passengers.

Still time to sign up

The day was packed with information and best practices operators can put to work right now and attendees took away UMA’s Top 40 Action Ideas to RESTART Business, tools from Spader Business Management and a sales training workbook developed by Pancero.

The Bus & Motorcoach Industry Virtual Summit wraps up on Friday with a focus on “Pulling It All Together: Finalizing Your Restart Roadmap.” The session will include operator panelists Ginny Orr of Golden West Travel, Alan Robinson of R&W Motorcoach and Elizabeth Kamalakis of Coachlight Tours. 

There will be breakout sessions that will provide an opportunity for participants to discuss what they learned. Joe Calhoon, who kicked off the summit on Wednesday, will return to provide a challenge to attendees. He will also take part in follow-up sessions in four, eight and 12 weeks.

Recordings of Wednesday and Thursday sessions are available for all registrants. 


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