TSA offers programs, guidance on homeland bus security

WASHINGTON – Terrorism threats are not a major issue for bus operators, but the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) still is offering programs and information on the topic to make sure operators remain vigilant.

“The threat to buses in the homeland remains low,” TSA official Rochelle Johnson said during a recent conference call on bus security for industry officials.

David Cooper, industry engagement manager for the TSA, said the agency plans to update its vehicle ramming attack guidance in May and will distribute it to the bus industry.

He said First Observer Plus, a security/domain awareness-training program formerly known as Highway Watch, is available at no cost to the industry at https://www.tsa.gov/for- industry/firstobserver. On-site, in-person training is available upon request through the website.

TSA is looking for bus industry employees willing to become First Observer Plus authorized trainers and will notify the bus industry of upcoming train-the-trainer opportunities.

Cooper said the Bus Security Action Items is being updated during fiscal 2018.

The agency also is offering free, voluntary TSA Vulnerability Assessments through regional and local security inspectors. Contact highwaysecurity@tsa.dhs.gov for more information.

TSA also offers a “Motorcoach Counterterrorism Guide” at http://quickseries.com/products/tsa-motorcoach-counterterrorism-guide/.


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