How tire innovations improve safety

A recent innovation in heavy-vehicle tires helps drivers maintain traction and control in winter driving conditions.

New extra traction or grip tires can make the difference between a coach successfully navigating treacherous driving conditions or having a tragic result, says Bill Kaiser, president of Motor Coach Tire Sales in Columbus, Georgia.

The winter tires carry a deep tread pattern that is designed to shed water, snow and slush. They are manufactured with a rubber compound that maintains its pliability in extremely cold temperatures. The treaded portion of the tire contains an abrasive additive such as silica to increase traction on ice.

“I have spoken to dozens of drivers and operators and the vast majority of feedback I get is extremely positive,” said Kaiser, who has sold the tires to half of the 150 motorcoach carriers that are his customers. “In fact, some owners from the northern parts of the U.S. have told me many of their drivers will not drive a coach now unless they are equipped with the extra grip tires.

As an added bonus, grip tires have significantly deeper tread than standard rib tires, therefore extending tire mileage by as much as 50 percent but typically at a price point only 5- to 10-percent higher than ribbed tires.

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